Author Archives: Eric Eisenhart

About Eric Eisenhart

Professional / Personal: Entrepreneur, Health & Fitness Specialist, Certified Trainer, Health Coach, Husband, 2nd youngest of 6 children, Father to 1 daughter Education: Cornell University, BS Cum Laude '03, Academic-All IVY League Athletic: Marathoner, Boston Qualifier, 3:02:00 PR NCAA Division I Wrestler Collegiate Sprint Football League - Team MVP, All-League

Fit 2 Be (A)Live – real people, real stories

6 days to the Boston Marathon and sometimes I have to remind myself why…

This is why…This is Fit2Be (a)Live.

“When you cross that finish line, no matter who slow or how fast, you will have changed your life forever” – Dick Beardsley, Boston Marathon Runner-up

You Can Do It Too!

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Sometimes, Guys Just Want to Have Fun…Too

I took a few minutes prior to writing this blog to go back and read the few blogs that I wrote about this same time of year…two weeks out from the Boston Marathon….just to see what was going through my head.  And as expected,  most of my thoughts were about intense workouts, mental confidence and physical toughness, pushing the pace…gutting it out….you know, all the things that those who know me may say too often defines me (BLOG 4/6/11 HERE and BLOG 4/13/11 HERE).

And all I can say now is…, a lot can happen in a year (you know…little things like moving your business and having a baby)….and probably to nobody’s surprise….if you allow yourself a minute to take a look back, you’ll realize just how much you can really learn along the way.

So no drawn out stories – straight to the point.  The past 365 have actually helped me learn how important it is from time to time to take a step back, and remember that sports are supposed to be FUN and games (at least sometimes)…so here I am, having just celebrated my 31st birthday and that’s what I’m thinking about for the upcoming Boston Marathon….FUN.  Maybe this is me taking a few steps back to get a few more forward (ok, in full disclosure I’m not sure just having fun was ever the main athletic focus…not even t-ball)…but on Monday, April 16th…for the first time since I can remember, my main focus will be on enjoying myself…not winning (like I could if I tried), personal records, time, pace, intensity, etc.

And while I promised my wife I would NOT  kiss any of the Wellesley College girls in the “Scream Tunnel”….I’m sure I’ll find a few other ways to enjoy myself.

This fun thing (in the athletic realm anyway) is a big step for me….I’ll let you know how it goes.

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Almost Vegan Final Results, a Birthday, and a Runner’s High

It’s been a pretty big week I guess….lots of cool things to do, talk about, and celebrate….so much so that I’ve not gotten around to posting in over a week.  So where do I start…well bare with me, this one may be a little long winded!

While most were out enjoying green beer, corn beef and cabbage on 3/17, I decided to take to the bike and met my brother for a 25 mile loop (his second…yikes!).  It was awesome to get out there, and was a nice recess from my typical running…and by Sunday 3/18 it was up and at ’em bright and early, and on the road to NYC by 6am  to watch two good friends rock NYC 1/2 Marathon.  The mini road trip with my wife Amy and good friend Wes didn’t come without some apprehension since it was the first time both Amy and I left Emma for more than an hour, but we left her in good hands (good friend and colleague Michelle) and of the 5 hours we were gone….I think Emma slept for 4.  All and all it was a great time…Emma did well….and our good friends Julie Culley (debut 1/2 marathon at 1:13:30) and Kristen Prendergast (PR at 1:24:05) tore NYC’s course to pieces.

The work week went as it typically does, busy and something scheduled on most nights…and with a dinner celebration scheduled for Tuesday (thanks again Wes for taking Julie & I out to celebrate her 1/2) and family birthday celebrations in honor of my 31st scheduled for Saturday & Sunday 3/25, I decided I’d be calling my little “Almost Vegan” experiment 10 days early on 3/20 at day 80…but not before some final biometric testing.  And while I wasn’t totally surprised by the below results…..I find it encouraging to share for anyone looking to make some relatively easy changes to their lifestyle for big time results!

Now keep in mind, my activity levels have not changed (averaging approximately 5-7 hours each week), and the only major change was my nutrition plan.  I ate “Almost Vegan” beginning the first week in January with minimal “cheats”.  I say “Almost” because I refused to give up pizza on Friday’s, milk in my coffee, and if I would have a salad that had a little feta on it, or pasta with a little parmesan I didn’t scrap it off….but I did go without meat, fish, eggs, and all other dairy (including on of my favorite snacks, Chobani Yogurt).  My typical day included:

  • oatmeal for breakfast with coffee
  • a banana at 10am
  • a salad for lunch or grilled veggie wrap
  • a smoothie and granola bar around 1 or 2pm
  • an apple and a couple handfuls of almonds in late-afternoon
  • some sort of bean-based dish for dinner
  • cereal with soy milk for dessert

My results were as follows:

January 2, 2012

  • Weight = 157.4
  • Body Fat % = 16.5%
  • Total Body Fat = 26.01 lbs
  • Total Cholesterol = 157
  • HDL (Good) Cholesterol = 37
  • LDL (Bad) Cholesterol = 108

March 20th, 2012

  • Weight = 155.2
  • Body Fat % = 15.0%
  • Total Body Fat = 23.2 lbs.
  • Total Cholesterol = 149
  • HDL (Good) Cholesterol = 39
  • LDL (Bad) Cholesterol = 98

Overall interpretation: 2.2 pounds weight lost, 3 pounds of LESS body fat, 10 point DROP in bad cholesterol.  Points requiring further exploration……why is my HDL on the low side?  It used to be closer to 60 (when my bad LDL cholesterol was higher too), which many would consider “better than ideal” for a man.  The quick research says that when you’re not consuming a lot of animal-based product and the LDL that goes with it…your body doesn’t need to produce as much HDL (good) cholesterol to manage things.

All in all, I’m pretty pleased here.  To be completely honest, I wasn’t really “needing” to make these changes…but instead did it to further reinforce to myself, and all those I coach / train that with the right actions…..anybody can get results…even someone that many may look with the “oh you’re just different…you’re just skinny….you’re just an athlete…..”, etc…….the fact is, the right things, done over and over again consistently….work!

So with some impressive health gains realized to their fullest on Tuesday….I still had much to accomplish this past week.  I still had two evening meetings, 1 volunteer coaching session at the local youth track club, two running workouts (6 x .5 mile hill repeats, and 5 x 1 mile repeats on the track) a 22 miler to get in on Saturday, two 31 year birthday celebrations to attend….a normal “day job” to complete….and a few minutes to be a good husband & Dad.  No sweat, right?

Well, it’s now Sunday…and I’ve got one more birthday party to go to, and I’ve made it through the rest…..I dragged myself through the dreaded running workouts, realizing my fitness is not what it was last year….actually enjoyed my evening meetings, had a blast at track practice, cherished the few minutes with Amy & Emma…..and put an exclamation point on Saturday with a 22 miler that brought me to tears…..WHAT!?

Yeah, it’s true…I admit it…I’m a bit of a mush….but I finally got a little runner’s high at about mile 19 yesterday….what’s this you ask?  Well, it’s different for everyone, but picture this…..I’m running on a wooded trail next to a beautiful gorge…it’s about 60 degrees and sunny in late March, I’m thinking about all the good things in my life…my wife & kid…my family…my friends…my work….I’m thinking about  how fortunate I am to live in an area with such beautiful landscape, and am reflecting on all the blessings I have as I get ready to enter my 32nd year in this world….and I’m all by myself….or am I?  Then I hear it….the song that just touches your soul and makes you realize, you’re not alone at all, he’s out there…..the lump in my throat starts to tighten, and as I begin to get emotional.  I look to the sky in thanks, catching the most impressive rays of sun peering through the clouds.  It was an incredible moment…one I hope to soon replicate….a perfect way to celebrate the end of my last long run….and the beginning of a new birth year.

So I hope you’ll take a moment…maybe re-read the above paragraph, and then click on the below link…..listening with your eyes closed….maybe thinking about my moment…or even better, thinking about yours.  Life could always be busier, tougher, more hectic, and in the rare opportunities I stop to look around….I realize I’m pretty lucky to have what I do…and it’s good to be me.  I hope you feel the same.

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Looking Forward to Losing Focus

Interesting conversation during a staff meeting yesterday….I’ll spare you the details (our group tends to talk….a lot….and there’s a handful of us who probably enjoying hearing themselves more so than others…myself included)….but the gist was this…..We’re not health-focused robots….it’s ok to be “normal” now and again (if that’s what you call it)…and understand that if healthy habits are on a spectrum with one end being optimal (regular exercise, perfect nutrition, plenty of sleep, etc.), and the other being train-wreck (no exercise, high stress, a diet high in refined, fried and fatty foods, tobacco use, etc.)…most of us move somewhere along the spectrum from day to day and it’s totally normal….as long as we stay as close to optimal most of the time….we maintain our personal integrity and authenticity as health and fitness professionals and continue to walk the walk….

It was an interesting discussion, with some great points, and one I could certainly relate to, because in full disclosure, I’m ready to ease up and slide a little….

If you’ve been reading along, you  know that since the turn of the year I’ve been conducting a little self experiment and eating “almost vegan”, and have been training for the upcoming Boston Marathon.  You also know that my life now includes an additional mouth to feed, and some of my goals focus on getting home on time for family dinner every night (not something I’ve done well with in the past)….and since I’m getting home at a reasonable hour and eating before 7pm (dinner used to be 8:00p or later), I’ve being doing pretty well at getting about 7.5 hours or more sleep per night.  And all in all, (although I won’t totally know until next week when I test my lipid profile..i.e. cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar)….I think my health is at or near an all-time high.  Not to brag, but I’ve lost body fat, increased lean muscle mass, and last weekend ran 20 miles averaging a 7:30 / mile pace without a ton of effort.  The fact is….staying focused and implementing as many optimal healthy habits as possible has helped me achieve some decent results thus far…..shocking, I know!

BUT – I’m ready to take a little break…from at least of the healthy habits…my mind is ready to lose a little focus, and I’m sure my body (achy foot from running) wouldn’t mind a little recovery as well.  And so, I’ve made the decision that next week, after 80 of the originally set out 90 days, and in celebration of the start of my 31st year (gulp) and two dinner celebrations scheduled….I’m going to lose a little focus, and call the “Almost Vegan” experiment 10 days early.  It’s been a good run, and I’m ready……but here’s the rub….

Just because I’m done with this experiment (for now), doesn’t mean I’m:

1) Going train-wreck style and letting myself slide in all facets

2) Not going to head back back closer to optimal again in the future.

The key in all of this is to understand that losing a little focus is a totally normal part of the journey.  In the transtheoretical model of “Readiness” this is called “Relapse”….it’s regular, normal, and NOT PERMANENT.

So if you’re going through something similar…don’t be afraid to lose a little focus now and again….as long as you stay true to yourself…your goals…and regain focus when the time is right, you’ll find yourself at or pretty close to where you want to be.

Enjoy your weekend!

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Nutritional Comfort Zone

March being National Nutrition month and all…I thought I’d stick with a recent theme I’ve been covering.  Last week I blogged about my physical results after going 60 days “Almost Vegan” – but what I haven’t yet discussed is how this little experiment is effecting me mentally.  It’s funny how our society is so ingrained in the “meat & potatoes” lifestyle that when you tell people you’re going vegan they look at you like you just said, “yeah, I think I’m going to go without oxygen for a while”… if one could not LIVE with out meat, dairy, or animal based products.  It’s pretty funny actually……it’s almost like people would get seriously offended when you tell them that…as if in some way it actually effected them.

At first, I felt a little uncomfortable with the response of some folks, and as a result, started to feel a little uncomfortable telling others…thankfully over the years I’ve developed this uncanny ability to minimize my concern with other’s thoughts of me when doing something I believe in…(some have mistaken this for arrogance, I call it focus)….and so I moved on with my experiment.

And then of course there’s the stress associated with not having the right things available to eat at the right time (aka when I was hungry).  This has definitely proved a challenge at times, and although I’m very fortunate to work in a facility M-F that has a cafe brimming with vegan options – I’ve handled the stress in two specific ways….maybe you could try these in your life:

  1. Plan ahead – I find this to be a huge stumbling point for folks…we get so wrapped up in what we’re doing, we don’t take the time to think ahead and prepare ourselves.  Now, I’m not much of a brown bag lunch type guy, but I’ve found a few things consistently happen.  First, when I get hungry…I eat…..Second….when I’m hungry and there are less than ideal food choices around, I eat National Nutrition Month - Get Your Plate in Shapethose….Third…when I’m hungry and I’ve got wholesome and vegan options I eat those.  It’s amazing the effect our surrounding environment can have on our eating habits, so I do my best to quickly throw a banana, an apple, a granola bar, and a clementine in my bag everyday.  They travel well, aren’t messy and take next to zero effort to pack.  Could you do something like this?
  2. Just let it go – sometimes I fail in #1 above just like everyone else, and I show up at an event or function where there aren’t any vegan options.  I don’t let this drive me nuts….I (on most occasions, but not all) do my best to eat sensibly, and choose the best of the options present, even if not vegan…hence the “Almost Vegan” approach.  I find that if I stay sensible, and don’t beat myself up for not adhering 100% to my experiment, I’m able to bring my A-game again next time and don’t feel like the experiment is so restricting that it’s not sustainable.  ****CAUTION HERE**** This can be a very slippery slope for folks….it’s important to first “know thyself”….determine if you’re being sensible and eating what’s there is just an exception….or if you’re instead justifying in your head that it’s ok to eat crap every time you leave the house.  If you’re someone who struggles to get back on the saddle and stay there for a while this might not be the best strategy for you.

****a little anecdote for the “Almost Vegan” life….a few weeks back I was mostly away from home after losing someone in the family.  With grieving often comes your typical “comfort food”….and after eating “Almost Vegan” for nearly 60 days, and then eating almost exclusively non-vegan for a day and a half (probably typical for many)….I felt anything but comfortable.  I had indigestion, was fatigued, and nauseous….I walked away with eyes wide open, albeit arteries likely a little more closed****

At the end of the day – sometimes we have to get out of Nutritional Comfort Zone to try something new….we owe it to ourselves to give it a real shot and see how it goes….it’s the only way we can continue to develop into more health-conscious people and learn more about ourselves, what works and what doesn’t.  Sometimes it takes a little experiment….and in my opinion, if we can learn one thing from our efforts…it’s been worth it.  I’ve learned a ton!

Happy National Nutrition Month!

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Almost Vegan – Day 60 Results

Well, I’m 60 days into this “Almost Vegan” thing, and I need to take a moment to say thanks to those that read this blog.  Many of you commented, sent me email, voicemail, etc. that you were inspired to take positive action for your health after reading my first “Almost Vegan” post….I hope you’re all finding success in your efforts and am happy to offer advice / lend a hand as I can…don’t hesitate to ask.  But, I have to admit…while going “almost vegan” has not been bad, and I think totally doable,  I’m about ready go back to what some my consider a bit more normal.

**(For those that didn’t read my initial “Almost Vegan” blog and are interested in knowing WHY anyone would do this….CLICK HERE)**

Now that said, it’s probably important to point out that “normal” for me includes an animal protein-based meal only about 1x / day on most (but not all) days of the week.  So that means either eggs for breakfast OR a turkey sandwich for lunch OR chicken for dinner….and beef….although I LOVE a good steak….is a rare (medium rare actually) treat probably no more than 1x / month.  But for the last 60 days, I’ve been eating “Almost Vegan” as somewhat of a personal health experiment…..and with the exception of Super Bowl Sunday and this past Wednesday-Monday (mostly away from home after a death in the family)….I’ve been doing pretty good – but realize that I owe a great deal of my success to a couple things:

  1. My Wife and her willingness to experiment with foods, deal with my neediness, and constantly look for different ways to ensure things that are good for me, taste good too
  2. My colleagues and access to our company’s FUEL GOOD CAFE – I eat at least 2 meals a day here (usually oatmeal for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and a vegan muffin for snack)

So now for my results:

Weight – gain 1.5 pounds

Body Fat – decrease .5%

Trunk / Midsection Fat – decrease .5%

Average Exercise – 4.8 hours / week

So what does this mean….well….I’m likely consuming more calories than I’m burning (I’ll discuss this in more detail next week), but what I’m burning is more primarily fat (specifically around the mid-section) and I’m increasing my lean muscle mass….all good things!  So how am I doing this….well, last week I discussed how I’m BURNING MORE FAT, and clearly I’m getting enough protein while still being “Almost Vegan” if my weight has gone up but my fat down…i.e. increase in lean muscle mass (unless of course my brain grew…doubtful :))

30 more “Almost Vegan” days to go, and I’ll then check my blood lipid profile (cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar).  Hope you’re all moving forward in your health & fitness goals as we enter the last month of quarter 1!  Enjoy your weekend!




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Building a Solid Foundation

“Only when the foundation is strong, can the structure be stable enough to stand the test of time”……

I stole this from one of my siblings, who wrote it over a decade ago as the first line in a description of our company’s history.  It’s not only a concept I buy into….it’s one I live by.  At it’s very deepest meaning, to me – this is what ENDURANCE is all about – not just in the traditional “running marathons” or “completing triathlons” (although that’s certainly an exciting part of my life and what I’m going to talk about in this blog), but broader than that….to me, having a solid foundation means being mentally strong, physically fit, emotionally deep, and spiritually rich so that I may take life in stride – navigating its turns, climbing its mountains, and soaring on – or enduring with purpose.

So, as I start to wrap up another period of “foundation training” (also known as base training) in my endurance athletic efforts, I thought some may get benefit in reading about the strategies I’ve employed to build a solid foundation or base.

Running – if you’ve read along since I started this blog, or know me personally, you know that since graduating from Cornell University in 2003 (where I wrestled for two years and played “sprint” football for the next two), running has filled the empty space that was once occupied by a lifetime of competitive sports.  And while I dabbled in endurance running as early as 2005 with  my first half marathon (1:31:39), I didn’t get serious about running until 2008, completing my first marathon in 3:18:50.  Since that time I’ve completed at least one half marathon per year, and an additional four marathons (including the 2011 Boston  Marathon), dropping my personal bests to 1:27:04 (in the half), and 3:02:00 most recently in the 2011 Marine Corps Marathon.

Throughout the process I’ve dealt with my share of minor bumps and bruises – I’ve had your typical IT band tightness, patella femoral pain, and the dreaded plantar fasciatis (still working through this one).  I’ve learned a great deal about running specific workouts….I’ve done tempos, cut-downs, fartleks, intervals, hill repeats, long slow distance…and more.  I’ve trained alongside (when I can keep up) a handful of professionals, been rehabbed by some of the best….and coached by a National Champion and 2012 Olympic hopeful.  Maybe needless to say….I’ve learned a lot….and with all these incredible resources at my finger tips – one thing remains consistent – a solid foundation sets you up for future success.

So in 2010 I was introduced to a (new to me) concept known as the Maffetone method (developed by Phil Maffetone) by my brother Mike – an Ironman triathlete and self-proclaimed “endurance geek” who is always looking for new ways and research that will help “up his game”.  Maffetone, a famous endurance coach, is most known for his work with 6x Ironman Champion Mark Allen.  Simply put, Maffetone found in his research that if athletes focused on building a solid aerobic base by training at (traditionally lower) intensities (as measured by heart rate) where the body uses oxygen to metabolize fat as it’s primary energy – the aerobic system would get more efficient and effective throughout training – allowing the body to perform at higher running speeds without necessarily increasing one’s heart rate….and thereby allowing the athlete to remain in the aerobic zone and continue to go for longer periods of time (some estimates state the typical body has enough stored fat  to fuel you for hours or even days).  Sorry about the ridiculous run-on sentence there!

It should be noted however, that as an athlete transitions to higher intensities (as measured by heart rate), he or she will then rely primarily on the anaerobic energy pathway – where the body creates ATP for energy by glycolysis…or the breakdown of carbohydrates….the bi-product being that nasty lactic acid.  And while the anaerobic system is incredibly good at what it does….relying primarily on carbohydrates (glycogen) for energy is only a short-term solution without supplementation (this is one reason why endurance athletes take gels, gu’s, sports drinks, etc. while racing).

So…..duh….why not see if you can get to your “race pace” while still remaining in the aerobic zone?  And that’s just what I’ve attempted to do for the last couple years as part of my “foundation” or base training.  Using Maffetone’s “180 formula” (where he found through comparisons to physiological evaluations like V02 max testing, etc.) that if an athlete were to train at a heart rate of approximately 180 minus age, they would be training near that max of their aerobic zone.  Read more about this method here or Mark Allen’s take on things HERE.

Of course, as a Health & Fitness professional, and being the skeptic I am….I didn’t totally believe this would work (even though the methodology totally made sense to me) until I saw my results.  Day 1 training at 180-age (150bpm) I was having to run a 9:30 / mile pace to keep my heart rate low enough……day 50…..consistently can run 7:30-7:45 / mile pace!  10 more days to go for me (I’m only able to do 8 weeks this go around b/c my next event, the 2012 Boston Marathon, is less than 2 months away!

Want to know more – I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Maffetone, and published it as part of Pro-Activity’s monthly “Elements” newsletter.  Click on the “MOVE” icon for February.

Stay tuned next week for Day 60 “Almost Vegan” results!

Happy Training….


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What’s Love Got To Do With It….

So it being Valentine’s Day (or actually two days after Valentine’s Day) – I thought I’d take a minute to share a story, and a little lesson I recently learned about the big “L” word……after all, love and human connection are a vital part to healthy living.

Now, I have to admit – I think Valentine’s Day is pretty stupid….I know, I know…my poor wife, she’s married a miserable man (tell me something I don’t know)……but before you get the urge to feel so bad for Amy, or any loved ones in my life for that matter…know this, I have no problem expressing my feelings….telling or showing people just how much I love them….and doing it regularly….on any (or every) day of the year, not just Feb. 14th.  I don’t feel the need to buy something in the card store, just so I can steal someone else’s words and pretend their mine.  And while I agree that some of those “Hallmark” writers are pretty talented in their phraseology – I choose a simpler (and in my opinion) more effective, direct approach….I say “I love you” everyday.  And I think if you’ll ask the loved ones in my life….they’ll hardly feel deprived.

But all of this said – this is NOT what I’ve learned about love recently…in fact I heard “I love you” everyday growing up from my parents….but I think it’s taken me till now to really understand just how much they meant by that.  See, a funny thing has happened to me ever since Emma (our first)  entered this world…and I’m just now grasping it in it’s entirety.  It started with a statement by my oldest sister a few hours after Emma’s birth, “You love you brothers and sisters, you love your parents, you love your spouse….but then your kid comes and love is taken to a different level!”.

When Teri said this to me, mentally I understood what she was saying, but probably because of the drama that went along with Emma’s delivery, I was pretty numb to it, and didn’t grasp it emotionally.  And then it happened….after we had gotten Emma home, the drama had settled, and Amy and I  were relaxing with Emma as a family on the couch, the big “L” hit me like a ton of bricks in a way I had never felt before – and I’m pretty sure I’m changed forever….and then I started thinking…..”Wow, how must my parents feel about me and my siblings!?”.  It’s really incredible to reflect on, and leaves me in awe and appreciation for my parents (and all parents in the world)….for all they’ve done and given to us over the years, and I thank them for that.

So with this post, I hope you’ll take a minute and reflect on the loved ones in your life…take a moment and give them a call, send them a note of thanks or publicize it in a blog like this….tell them just how appreciative you are for what they’ve given you…and that you love them.  And if they’ve past on…tell them anyway…they’ll still hear you, cause they’re always listening…..and if you do this, I’m willing to bet you’ll feel good knowing you just brightened someone’s day…and by feeling good, you’ll have done something good for your health!

To my parents, to my wife, and all the loved ones in my life…both family and friends…..thank you for all you’ve given me….Happy Valentine’s Day….I love you.

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A Super Bowl of Nutritional Train-Wreckage

Super Bowl Sunday is notorious for a few things – each with a special place in our hearts….some figuratively, some literally (scary)!

  1. Football (congratulations to all the Giants fans out there – very impressive performance!)
  2. Entertainment (seriously?  Madonna is 54?)
  3. Commercials (don’t know about you but this year left a little to be desired)
  4. and Nutritional Gluttony (got this one covered)

If you read last week’s post, by now you know that I’ve been going “Almost Vegan” for a little over 30 days…with the plan to hold strong till day 90.  It’s a bit of a self-experiment, and the results thus far have been impressive (weight loss, body fat reduction).  I’ve not been obsessive about my eating choices (hence the “Almost” factor), but have been doing a pretty good job of making healthy & mindful choices along the way.  Sunday was a bit of an outlier to say the least – but in my defense…my biggest failure probably occurred about an hour before I indulged in what I call “Nutritional Train-Wreckage”.  

You see, it was a busy day and I somehow managed to squeeze a 12 mile run in between church and a visit to the grandparents, before heading to the in-laws for the game.  Unfortunately, the “squeeze” factor left zero time for one of my favorite post-run recovery meal, the Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie (Fuel Good style).   So instead, I chugged down the last few drops of my gatorade…grabbed a water bottle and some almonds for the road, and we were off to the grandparents….hardly an appropriate re-fueling strategy after burning an estimated 1,400 calories.  And after an hour with the grandparents….I was so far behind the hunger-curve, I felt like it had beaten me to death and like most people get when they are hungry and tired….I was craving food…..not just any food…but CRAPPY FOOD….the kind full of fat, sugar, salt….anything that would give me a blood sugar spike.  Thankfully (or unthankfully as the case may be)….Super Bowl Sunday brought plenty to go around.

  • Chili – sure why not: + 300 calories calories
  • Chicken Wings – yup…but not 1, 8 (at least): +480 calories
  • Chips & Guac – of course: + 640 calories
  • Beer?….how bout 2: +200 calories
  • Brownies with my coffee…..well at this point you might as well drive that final nail in this coffin: +800 calories
Nutritional Train Wreckage = estimated 2,420 calories…..YIKES….that is more than the average human needs in one whole day.
What’s worse….if I were truly watching my weight…I would have fallen victim to the same mantra so many people do….”exercise a lot, and it doesn’t matter what you eat”.  Consider this, in calculating the rest of my daily intake (1,150 calories) and my daily energy expenditure (1,600 for my basal metabolic rate + 1,400 on the run), I wound up + 572 calories on the day.  This trend, on a daily basis would add 1 pound of body fat to my frame weekly!  AND I RAN 12 FREAKING MILES!

So with Monday – I’m back in the “Almost Vegan” saddle.  Here’s an example of my typical day (for those that asked last week):


  • Oatmeal with craisins, raisins, & brown sugar & Coffee: 250 calories

Snacks (late morning, mid afternoon, late afternoon) – I eat a snack after breakfast, after lunch, and before dinner

  • Apple: 105 calories
  • Banana: 110
  • Fiber One bar: 150
  • Almonds – small handful: 340 calories



Total Calories = 1,899

Of course, it’s not just about calories…there’s more to nutritional success than that….but I’ll save that for a future post.  Until then, enjoy your day!

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Almost Vegan – Day 30 Results

Late last year my brother Mike and I had the opportunity to attend a conference with the Northeast Business Group on Health, and listen first hand to the man that authored the nutrition / diet plan behind President Clinton’s transformation, Caldwell Esselstyn, MD.  For those that haven’t heard, President Clinton made a bit of a health transformation in 2010, and sources claim that he actually “reversed his heart disease”, crediting Dr. Esselstyn (a former cardiac surgeon with the Cleveland Clinic) with getting him to eat an almost 100% plant-based diet.   Mike (a self-proclaimed “health & performance data geek”) having already read Dr. Esselstyn’s book, new this would be one presentation to remember.

While I can’t say I’m a huge President Clinton fan (although I’m very happy to see his positive results), in listening to Dr. Esselstyn’s lecture and viewing his presentation of angiogram slides that included a before & after of an individual that started with severe blockage and wound up blockage free after only nutrition-based interventions….I was at the very least intrigued.  To sell me even further….Dr. Esselstyn hit guys like me, the “Everything in Moderation” types with this, “Sure, you can have meat and animal products in moderation, as long as you don’t mind having a moderate heart attack”.  And whether I agreed 100% with this or not, needless to say – the man had my attention!

As his lecture continued, and Dr. Esselstyn show study after study that supported his claim that eating plant-based could prevent & reverse heart disease, I started to think about how this might effect me personally….maybe I should give it a shot, and see what happens….and so I have…for the last 30 days (and for the next 60), I’ve eaten “Almost Vegan”.

Now, being a health & fitness professional, I’ve done a bit of homework to bolster my nutritional knowledge, having read countless articles, studies, and books to stay current on the nutrition scene and do my best to help clients steer clear of all the crap out there than can lead to information overload.  And here’s the facts – study after study after study comes out….and there’s one consistent principle – eat mostly fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts / seeds (like almost exclusively) and the vast majority of health risks & issues we face each day can become obsolete.  Put another way by Dr. Esselstyn, “Don’t eat anything that has a face or a mother!”

For me, I say “Almost Vegan” because there are some things that (regardless of research and study that outlines the risks) I’ve consciously decided are not worth giving up…or in other words….are worth the risk.  They are:

  1. Milk in my coffee
  2. Pizza for dinner on Fridays
  3. Small amounts of cheese here and there on things like prepared salads at restaurants….to be honest, I just don’t want to have to ask to “hold it”
Now being a relatively fit guy, who has probably exercised for somewhere between 3-6 hours consistently each week for nearly the last 22 years (or since I could play organized sports), I’ve decided that the only way to see if “Almost Vegan” works for me is to continue my traditional exercise routine in addition to this new nutritional change….below is a summary of my results:
Jan 1- Jan 30
  • 3 lbs. lost (2 lbs. body fat, 1 lb. lean muscle – doesn’t seem like much but for someone that only weighs in the 150’s…these is a decent amount in 30 days…especially since I’m not “trying” to lose weight, and am yet to be “hungry”).
  • 1 lb. body fast lost off of mid-section
  • 1 % overall reduction in body fat
  • 12.75 hours exercised (avg. approx. 3 hrs / week)

Stay tuned next week and I’ll share some of my struggles, successes, recipes, tips, and tricks I’ve learned along the way.  Till then, thanks to my wife for going along with me on this one, cooking dinners for me, and doing her best to find new tasty (or at least not awful) recipes to try.  Also, if you want to stay on top of some good vegan and other healthy cooking recipes consider following these blogs:


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