A Community Affair

This was a good week…..with the first ever O’er Hills & Far Away Race (OHFAR) and Harvest Festival now in our rear view….which like all good things….took a TON of work to pull together……..I calmly look back on the past 7 days and continue to say…”well, it was worth it!”

NickMike, and Amy, already shared some great overview, inspirational thoughts, and perspectives….so I don’t want go back and reiterate….but what I will say…..what most moved me is the feeling of a community of people pulling together to make this happen…

Yes, of course we had a great cause in supporting a handful of not-for-profit charities….but in many ways…those that gave the most had nothing personal to gain, except that they were doing their part because they believed that doing something bigger than themselves is important….that supporting their community and it’s members is important…..and because sometimes we all need to do things, not for an extra dollar in our pocket or personal benefit…but because it’s the right thing to do……and it was awesome.

For me, I can’t really say that I didn’t get ANY personal benefit out of this event….with a nice group of new faces visiting our facility for the pre-race expo (although I’m sure I could argue the “give” on our part for this event was more than the “get”)…but for some of our clients and close friends….they just “gave”.  And it was awesomely inspiring.

There’s too many to list….but you know who you are…..and Thank You!


Switching gears a minute……….holy crap…my Dad says that all the time….soon I’ll be watching tv while sitting in the family room….in a hard-backed kitchen chair…. with my nose propped up by one finger so it “works”….inside joke for you Eisenhart kids reading…love ya Dad…and speaking of the man…..funny to hear all the OhFar racers comment and say “Oh yeah, and there was this really loud, older man, cheering me the whole way…he was so loud and positive…he made me want to keep going”….yup, that was Tom Eisenhart folks……ANYWAY…….

Ok, really switching gears………so I think I’m pretty close to being ready to break 3 hours in 3 weeks at Marine Corps Marathon (10/30/11)…this weekend I was pretty pleased to run 24 miles, averaging only 5 seconds slower than my previous PR pace (7:05)…that’s pretty much awesome for a training run…..thanks to Frances Koons, Julie Culley, and Chris Farley for pacing me to an awesome workout.  And special thanks to Chris Pannone and GenUCan for giving me some samples of the GenUCan product….I was amazed to only take two packets before the workout…one at 16 miles, and nothing else but water….little more guinea pig research on myself, but I’m liking things so far!


Last but not least….if you haven’t heard yet….ANOTHER legend is coming our way….this time it’s Marshall Ulrich….a guy who has spent a lifetime achieving the unimaginable……3,063 miles by foot in 52 days at 57 years old…this guy ran across America….he climbed Mt. Everest (and all it’s smaller brethren among the 7 summits)….he’s done some impressive stuff….and now he’s coming to share his story with us.  Join us if you’d like…free to all.  RSVP HERE


Details from Marshall’s event page below

11/7 | Lebanon, New Jersey, “An Evening With Marshall Ulrich” atPro-Activity

Run and Fun (Presentation, Book Signing, Social Run).We meet up at BaseCamp 21 (1250 Rt. 31 North) at 5:45pm for a jog/run of about 3 miles, and then we’ll head back for an inspiring presentation, time for q&a, and book signing. This is part of Marsh’s celebratory return to the NYC area on the anniversary of his historic finish! Be sure to RSVP at Pro-Activity.com or on Facebook.

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